Thursday 30 April 2009

Art uBuD day 3

Well i woke up and took a quick shower because i was just 3 seconds away from being considered late!! I had the same old fantastic breakfast which i truly enjoyed, After the breakfast we were on our way to alam sari hotel ( hotel owned by mr.collet.) for a bird walk, so we can experience and see differnt kind of birds. Iur instructor for that session was dewa who had alot knowledge to explain us for the bird walk. There were two sad aspects while in the bird walk. We saw poor ducks been taken away to the slaughter house :(, and we did not get to see the bird watching because we arrived late. As we were heading back to the hotel , we hadto make bird sketeches , i made a sketch of a regular bird and i thought that was one of the best sketches i have ever made. Everyone taught so to.

Then we had lunch in the hotel , it was an average lunch because the food wasnt that hot. After that suprisnily we had an oppurtunity to interact with the birds at the bali bird park. I even had a photo a parakeet. I enjoyed my time there sepicially scaring the birds :P.
The best part was that i got alot of ideas to make make final sketch or painting. I decided to do a better version of my sketch. So from all day to the bird park till six o'clock past thirty minutes. I was working on my sketching . MY plan wat to have a bird sketched hanging on a branch while adding colorful leaves. I also added balinese checkers for my painting,
Once I was done with my sketch , I honestly and deeply thougt that was one of the best art work i have ever made and since tt moment of happiness, i began to learn alot from this trip.

We for dinner in cafe wayan, this time i did not like the food instead i loved it !! espically the prawns and desert. That was truly a good dinner.

We went back to the hotel , to get ready for the last full day of an amazing esp.

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