Wednesday 29 April 2009


Art UbUD day 2

As i woke up from an excellent sleep, I quickly took a shower and went to breakfast.l The breakfast was nice , but there could have been more variety in cuisine . My favorite dish from the buffet was the pancakes because it had an excellent taste.

After breakfast, we were on our way to a ceramic workshop. To be honest I have really much bad luck in spoiling my ceramic pieces ,so his time I tried to stay in the positive side. When we reached the place, we met a kind hearted lady called Susan because she was our instructor for the class on ceramics. She taught us how to make bizarre looking masks which was really fun to make . MY mask turn out well , I definitely did not expect it to turn out well in fact.After our first piece, she makes us take turns on the pottery wheel where we can make delicate ceramic pots. When it was my turn , It was my second time to use a pottery wheel and in fact I thought mines turned out as one of the best. I was really proud of my work which I did in the ceramic workshops.

After this wonder full part of the day, we went for lunch at a local restaurant which was not bad but quite filling. The banana fritters I ordered were amazing especially mixing it with ice cream and chocolate syrup. After lunch we went to the market to mark on our sketching piece for the day. The piece could be anything involved with a market. I decided to draw a boomerang which I bought because it had exquisite detail, which helped me make a marvelous piece. Besides sketching , I bought really cool things at the market especially the boomerang.

After the drama we had fun with in the market, we went back to the hotel to perfect our drawings. I sat alone in my room as my friend went to play cards with my peers. While i was in my room , I had a sufficient time to perfect my piece. In the end it turned out to be a wonderful piece as i kind of expected.

oUr adoring relaxing time was over , we were on board to a place called cafe lotus. It was a really nice place and it was humongous for a restaurant like that to be placed there. I had " ayam sisit" which was shredded chicken mixd in gravy with rice. It was an average meal but it is good to try something new everytime.

After a nice dinner at cafe lotus, we went back to the hotel . By then all of us were half asleep after a long tired , but awesome day. As i was covered with the sheets of balnket, iknew something fun will await for me tomorrow.

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